Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi
Live Healthy.

be RxSmart

Our be RxSmart prescription drug benefit helps you make the most of your healthcare dollar – by making smart decisions about prescription drugs, including if they are even necessary for managing a condition, based on a partnership with your Network Provider.

You can often reduce or eliminate the need for many prescription medications by practicing healthy habits including eating healthy, exercising regularly and avoiding tobacco use. However, if your Network Provider determines you need medication to treat a health condition, be sure to ask for a generic or other low-cost alternative. Please click here for a copy of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi's Pharmacy Management Procedures.

Use myBlue for prescription drug searches

You can easily search for medications and lower-cost alternatives through the prescription drug search tool on our myBlue member portal and find out if there are quantity limits or prior authorization requirements. The search on myBlue will also show you details on the uses and possible side-effects of the medications.

Use the login section above to get to myBlue and begin your prescription drug searches.

Search our Medical Drug Formulary

Use our Medical Drug Formulary Search to view coverage status of drugs administered in a medical setting.

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Customer Service Team
601-664-4590 or 1-800-942-0278

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