Case Management
What is Case Management?
The BCBSMS Case Management team assists members with unstable chronic conditions or multiple health care needs. We work collaboratively with members, their caregivers, and their health care team to promote empowerment, increase satisfaction, promote cost effective quality care, increase member adherence to their treatment, and increase quality of life.
Case management interventions include: education about diseases and treatments, coordinating transitions between hospital and home, patient advocacy, and education on community resources.
How to Refer Members to Case Management
If you are a member or a caregiver for a member with unstable chronic conditions or multiple health care needs and can benefit from Case Management interventions, please call Customer Service at 800-942-0278 and ask to be referred to Case Management.
If you are a provider for a member with unstable chronic conditions or multiple health care needs and you believe the Case Management interventions mentioned above may help you in managing this member’s health, please call 800-257-5825 to have the member referred to Case Management.