Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi
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National Provider Identifier

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi requires each provider have a unique National Provider Identifier (NPI) number when filing claims. The general guidelines for NPI claims submission include:

UB-04 Claims

CMS-1500 Claims (Non-Hospital Based Professionals*)

How do I apply for an NPI?

If you need to apply for an NPI, you can use one of the three ways outlined below:

  1. Use the web-based National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) online at
  2. Complete a paper application and mail it to the NPI Enumerator, the CMS contractor responsible for processing NPI applications. You may contact the NPI Enumerator by calling 1-800-465-3203 or 1-800-692 -2326 (TTY). The mailing address is:

    NPI Enumerator
    P.O. Box 6059
    Fargo, ND 58108-6059

  3. Have your application information, with your permission, submitted to the NPPES electronically by an organization on your behalf.

For more information related to NPI, the following links provide provide quick and easy access to general information about the NPI:

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