Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi
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Healthy You! Provider Information

We encourage Members to work with their Primary Care Network Provider to develop a plan to be healthy. Our innovative and unique Healthy You! wellness benefit is the first step in helping Members take ownership of their health. This annual visit is an opportunity to meet with patients face-to-face and encourage them to "know their health numbers" to help manage their health and health risks.

Healthy You! covers annual health screenings and immunizations based on age and gender and can help identify potential health risks before they become serious. This wellness visit has benefits that vary by age and gender, but those covered procedures are paid at 100% - Members pay no co-pay, deductible or coinsurance. We encourage Members to establish a relationship with a Primary Care Network Provider who will be their “home” for wellness and coordination of care needs along their Blue Wellness Journey.

We continually evaluate our benefits to ensure they align with best-practice guidelines. It is important that you stay current on any updates and implement them in your electronic medical record and any other wellness documentation to ensure the covered Healthy You! services are performed. Please review the revised documents below:

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