Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi

Blue Primary Care Home

Many Mississippians only seek care for health issues after a major health event like a stroke or heart attack. These major health events, usually evolve from controllable risk factors, which can be changed or influenced through healthy lifestyle habits. Some controllable risk factors include: smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, obesity, physical inactivity and stress.

Controllable Lifestyle Risk Factors


High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Sugar



Physical Inactivity

Physical Inactivity



That’s why it’s so important to visit your Blue Primary Care Home, even when you feel well. Visits to your “home” will follow a holistic approach and focus on preventing major health events and diseases, managing metabolic conditions and coordination of care. Blue Primary Care encourages providers and care teams to meet patients where they are, from simple to the most complex conditions to improve quality of life.

Blue Primary Care supports engagement and ownership of health through preventive care and collaboration between yourself and your care team, so that care is received in the right place, at the right time, and in the manner that best suits your needs.

Your experience at a Blue Primary Care Home begins with your annual Healthy You! wellness visit and screenings. You will learn your health numbers, how to manage risks for diseases and set personalized health goals you want to achieve.

When autonomy is honored and patients feel supported and take ownership of their health, outcomes tend to be positive. A recent Hartford Foundation study found primary care models resulted in a better experience for patients, with 83% of patients saying being treated in a primary care home improved their health.

of patients saying
being treated in

a primary care home
improved their health.”

At Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi, we know that taking care today leads to an even healthier tomorrow. Find a Blue Primary Care Network Provider near you.


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