2012 It Pays to be RxSmart
Looking to save money on your medications? Then make the switch to generics or other low-cost alternatives. You can save a substantial amount of money while effectively treating your condition. Here’s what you need to know!
Save Money with Category 1 Drugs
In 2012, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi members who choose generics will have the opportunity to save even more on medications. By choosing Category 1 drugs, you will only be responsible for the Category 1 copay amount. The prescription drug deductible will not apply. If your Network Provider decides you need a medication to treat a condition, be sure to ask for a Category 1 drug. If there are medications you are currently taking, ask if there is a Category 1 drug or other lower cost alternative available that can meet your clinical needs. Search for generics and alternatives in Category 1 through our myBlue member portal with the My Rx tool. Remember, this applies only to Category 1 drugs.
Generics Work As Well as Brands
Just because generics cost less, doesn’t mean they are less effective. Generics are required by federal law to meet the same quality and performance standards as their brand name counterparts. They are required to have the same active ingredient, strength, dosage form and route of administration as the brand name product. The only difference may be in the inactive ingredients. Some generics are even produced in the same manufacturing facilities as the brand name drug.
Visit myBlue for Opportunities to Save
Want to know how much you’ve spent and how you can save? Our myBlue member portal has the answers you need. View your prescription drug claims and find low-cost alternatives to drugs you are currently taking. If there is a lower-cost alternative to a medication you have been prescribed and have filled, you will see a dollar sign ($) indicator which can show you alternatives. Also, you can use the prescription drug search tool to search for medications covered in our formulary. Not registered for myBlue? It’s simple and secure and provides convenient access to your complete benefit information when you need it. Click here to get started!
Choosing generics is an effective way to save money and make the most of your healthcare dollar. If you still have questions about generics, the Food and Drug Administration has published information to help answer questions you may have. Read the Facts and Myths About Generic Drugs on the FDA website.