Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi
Are you exercising enough?

Are you getting the recommended amount of exercise?

Studies have shown that getting regular exercise over a sustained period of time has a measurable and positive impact on physical and mental health. Recently updated guidelines from the American Cancer Society regarding cancer prevention call for even more physical activity, healthy eating, healthy weight maintenance, staying active throughout life and avoiding or limiting alcohol. About 18% of U.S. cancer cases are related to these issues, but can be controlled or lowered through healthy lifestyle habits.

Recommendations include the following:

  • Get to and stay at a healthy weight throughout life. Losing a few pounds if you are overweight or obese can lower your risk for some type of cancers.

  • Adults should get 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity. Getting 300 minutes or more of physical activity will give you the most health benefits.

  • Children and teens need at least 1 hour of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity each day.

  • Spend less time sitting or lying down. This includes screen time.

  • Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and plenty of whole grains and brown rice.

  • Avoid or limit red meats and processed meats.

  • It’s best to refrain from drinking alcohol. If you do drink, women should not have more than 1 drink per day and men should have no more than 2 drinks per day.

Remember, you don’t have to tackle all the recommendations at once. Start with one change you’d like to make. Once that healthy habit is established and you’ve gained momentum, set another goal and then another goal after that. Healthy steps and actions taken today can lead to a healthier lifestyle and outcomes in the future.

Source:American Cancer Society

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