Do you know someone living with diabetes?
Chances are you do. According to the American Diabetes Association, it is estimated that 371,662 of Mississippi adults have diabetes. Of these, approximately 79,000 have diabetes and aren't even aware.
Additionally, it's believed that 810,000 adults in Mississippi have prediabetes, which is higher than normal blood glucose levels that aren't yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
While these statistics may seem daunting, it's important to know there are steps we all can take to get healthy, remain healthy and prevent or delay a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Preventative steps taken today on your blue health journey can result in better future health outcomes.
How you reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes…
Cut sugar and refined carbs from your diet
Exercise for 30 minutes most days of the week
Drink water instead of sugary beverages
Maintain a healthy weight
Quit smoking
Watch portion sizes
Eat a high-fiber diet
Reduce the amount of processed foods you eat
Incorporate more whole grains into your diet
If you don't know your blood sugar levels…
If you don't know your blood sugar levels the first step on your journey will begin with having your annual Healthy You wellness visit with your Blue Primary Care Network Provider. This visit gives you and your doctor time to have a one-on-one conversation about all of your health numbers including blood sugar and an opportunity to discuss specific health goals you want to focus on to help maintain or improve your health risks for certain diseases.
Depending on the range of your health numbers, you may have access to additional doctor’s visit (up to four are available based on individual risk levels) at no out-of-pocket cost to you through our Color Me Healthy! benefit.
If you have diabetes…
If you have diabetes it will be vital for you to control your blood sugar through a healthy diet, regular exercise, following your specific plan of care, staying connected with your Blue Primary Care Network Provider and attending all of your appointments for continuity of care. Your Provider may even have you work with a dietician or diabetes educator to help you create and/or maintain a nutrition plan.
Reduce your risk for other health problems…
Along with attending regularly scheduled visits with your doctor, there are steps you can take to lower your risk of diabetes-related health problems like:
Visiting your eye doctor once per year
Getting a comprehensive foot exam one per year
Taking diabetes medications as prescribed
Practicing proper oral hygiene and visiting the dentist twice per year
Being tobacco-free
It's about you, your health and your life…
It's about you, your health and your life. By actively engaging in your health, you can help lower your risks for certain diseases and manage metabolic conditions as well as your future healthcare cost. We are glad you are blue and are proud to be your partner on your Blue Wellness Journey.