COVID-19 Vaccinations
The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations and death even in the case of variants. COVID-19 vaccinations are widely available in the state at pharmacies, hospitals, private clinics and Mississippi State Department of Health locations and pop-up vaccination sites. If you are 12 or older, you can receive the COVID-19 vaccination in Mississippi. Remember, every shot counts.
Be Safe. Be Smart. Be Healthy.
After you are fully vaccinated, you can resume many of the activities you did prior to the pandemic. Due to the recent rise in cases and to protect against the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others, the CDC recommends wearing a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission.
Wearing a mask is especially important if you have a weakened immune system or if your age or an underlying medical condition puts you at increased risk for severe disease or if someone in your home is immunocompromised, at increased risk for disease or unvaccinated.
Who can be vaccinated?
For the most up-to-date information regarding who is eligible for the vaccination, visit the Mississippi State Department of Health's (MSDH) website here.
Where can I go to get the vaccine?
If you need assistance making an appointment call the Mississippi COVID-19 Hotline at 877-978-6483. If you are homebound and need assistance getting the COVID-19 vaccination, send an email to or call 877-978-6453.
The Second Dose:
Like many childhood vaccines, getting both doses is crucial to the vaccine working. It's the same with the COVID-19 vaccine. The first shot starts to build immunity, the second shot ensures maximum protection. By getting both shots, we protect not only ourselves, but those around us.
The second Pfizer vaccine dose is due 21 days after the first dose and the second Moderna vaccine dose is due 28 days after the first dose.
According the MSDH and the CDC, there is a grace period for receiving your second dose. However, it is important to schedule your second dose as close to the recommended interval as possible.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines both require two doses and each of your doses must be the same. The two brands of vaccine are not interchangeable. This means if you receive the Pfizer vaccine for you first dose, you cannot receive the Moderna vaccine for your second dose. MSDH recommends scheduling your second vaccination dose online at the same location you received your first one to ensure you receive the same brand for each dose and for accurate record keeping.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a single dose and does not require you to receive a second dose.
Be Informed
Before considering vaccine information on the internet, be sure the information comes from a credible source and is updated on a regular basis. We suggest seeking guidance from these sources. While it’s a useful tool for researching health-related issues, the internet does not replace a discussion with your Blue Primary Care Network Provider.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has a listing of facts concerning the COVID-19 vaccine which addresses common questions or misconceptions. You can read them here.
We value you and your health!
We will continue to monitor developments related to the vaccines as well as announcements regarding availability and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine and communicate information as it becomes available.
Be Safe, be Smart, be Healthy!
MSDH COVID-19 Vaccination in Mississippi